It's been ages since I posted. Haha.Well anyway yesterday our school celebrated Mooncake Festival. Anyone who went will REGRET it. Yes they will. IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST BORING EVENT IN MY SCHOOL. Had a dress costume competition and Chang Ee's dress was made of paper. Splash some water and the costume will be ruined. MUHAHAHAHA! I'm so evil! Anyway, the grand finale, it was so ANTI! Pple running all over the parade square like siao ki nas and playing some kind of chinese parade song and waving the light diode which makes no sense and they call it mooncake festival.WOW
Fortunately, we left the school right after that and had fun till 12am. Had two waffles for dinner. (I can't taste the chocolate flavoured one.) We went to CCK park and hanged around the playgrounds. Haha we have nth better to do.
Anyway, a very important seems to be lacking in this blog. I will work on it soon.
This post has existed since 9/17/2005 09:46:00 pm