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Wednesday, March 22, 2006


First and foremost, I apologise for not being able to do what I am supposed to do: POST AN ENTRY ABOUT OUTINGS THAT HAPPENED (Refer to entry titled 'Lousy Entry').

Second thing, more test results! (From tickle this time)

Take this test at Tickle

You're a Total Brat

Are You a Brat?
Brought to you by Tickle

Take this test at Tickle

You're a Wild Card

Which American Idol Are You?
Brought to you by Tickle

Take this test at Tickle

Your sense of humor is Banter

What's Your Sense of Humor?
Brought to you by Tickle

If you guys didn't try it yet, go to and try.

Not sure why I have keen interest in their test, maybe cause I have nothing better to do recently. I wanna go work, but who the hell will anyone accept someone that works only for a month or so? I want to study full time when I start schooling again. Freelance jobs? So hard to find. I doubt newspapers now anyway. Called me up to say I can start work and couldn't work after the 1st day due to an ERROR on her part. So pathetic -_-

Anyway I'm looking foward to poly! I hope the pple there are not too egoistic nor bimboish since they are in the skl of Film and Media studies. I still remember going for the interview, and many of them, especially the girls, are either overly-dressed or posing. A turn off. LOL.

OK time to go play towers defence. So fun haha.

Have a nice day.

This post has existed since 3/22/2006 10:37:00 pm