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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'm back in this unearthly hour to blog! (It's 1am plus plus already)

I'm sure everyone misses me. Lol. I'm so thick skinned.

Anyway I'm back with lotsa stuff. First and foremost,


Sorry but there are no pics of it as of now, My handphone camera sucks. so you guys gotta wait till I get my hands on a better camera. And its a MAC notebook. Its usuable and stable but I think I would prefer a Windows notebook cause:

1. It's more visually interesting
2. It has more options and features
3. I personally prefer gaming using a windows platform.

But overall it looks cool. I mean the shell of the notebook. It's white and it gets dirty easily. That's the price to pay for being an NP student. You gotta have good mantainence habits in order to.....


Alright, secondly,


Sam's sister is officially 19 this year. Happy B'day to her. =)

Yeah his sis invited us to her chalet and we had bbq over there. (In case you do not know what bbq means, it means BEE BEE KEW.) So the whole event was fun, even though Xtina and Princess couldn't stay overnight. We had a great time over there, especially when we played bowling, And SAM GET ASSURED THAT I WILL GET 1st PLACE IN BOWLING NEXT TIME. =P And we went to mac and chilled out by playing CHEAT! And sadly we played arnd 4 rounds of CHEAT but it seems that only Mau Cheung and Samuel got the winning positions. Argh. I'm supposed to win. Lol. We decided to go to the swimmming pool and rest on the seats till sunrise.

But there was no sunrise. Dark clouds we saw. Bright sun we missed. Mariah carey's 'Hero' we sang, on the chair we slept. Just beside the swimming pool. Haha.

And we headed to Tampines Mall for breakfast after the event ended. I'm sorry but there are no pictures at all for the chalet event. Cause they didn't want to take any photos. Sad lol.

Lastly, school starts on the 21st April!!! I can't wait to start my life in np. I hope this would be a better alternative than taking an 'A' lvl cert after 2 years. Whereby a diploma is higher than an 'A' lvl cert. But that does not mean I'm gonna stop at a diploma. I might want to enter into a local Uni and furthur my studies there. But let's see how it goes. On step at a time. Can't rush into making such decisions. If I do, it's not me, Hahaha.

This post has existed since 4/19/2006 01:14:00 am