Hey guys I'm back once again and guess what? I am tired! But unfortunately I have to try and finish up a report which is due like 2 days later and I haven't got the time to start yet, which simply means I can't sleep. Which means I will be a freak tommorrow morning when I go to school. And I ensure you, yes, ensure, that I will be feeling DEPRESSED because I am not allowed to sleep. I think if this goes on I will go crazy. Literally crazy. Lol. Maybe not. Maybe yes. What do you think? I am feeling so tired now and I WANT TO SLEEP. NO. I NEED TO SLEEP. I was really hoping someone would shoulder the responsibility of helping me to sleep but it is impossible.
I need sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. I have been sleep deprived for the past 2 weeks. It's really serious.
Anyway, as promised, this post is gonna be a long one, so let's start with last saturday! Well, last saturday was really a great day, because I was looking forward to Tong's help out session in the morning, only to find out that it has been cancelled due to the TWSS public concert on friday. Luckily, very luckily, Mau Cheung was not aware of the cancellation too, and both of us ended up in our sec school snapping pictures. Before I show you the pictures, Mau Cheung actually suggested that I wear my jc shirt to school as he was going to wear his jc shirt too. Lol. And he wore a hcjc shirt. HCJC leh. When he is in JJC. Very interesting! Of course, I wore my yjc orientation shirt to school. Ahh... it has been some time since I actually wore that shirt. Brings back one the greatest times I had in my life. =D
So here it goes, presenting to you, MC and KING BYLE in their JC shirts! -_-:

It was taken in my secondary school. And we actually took down our 4A class sign that was 2 years old already and took a photo with it!

It's all good fun. I'm proud to be in 4A back in 2005. There will be only one 4A, class of 2005. And I'm glad I'm part of it!
Don't you think I look like I had water retention in my face? LACK OF SLEEP LAH.
So, moving on, we actually took pictures here and there and it was lunchtime then. Since both MC and THE KING was hungry, we decided to go lot 1 for lunch. Wait, was it lot 1? Yes it is. We went to food culture and I ate curry chicken noodles while he ate: UNHEALTHY, OILY AND FRIED FOOD, LACK OF CARBOHYDRATES AND LOTS OF FATTY ACIDS IN IT. Chicken cutlet. And I had a hard time eating my curry noodles because the gravy WILL STAIN (I know cause I ate it before) and it was too hot. Sometimes I don't really like eating stuff that are spicy AND hot at the same time because my lips will become very red and I don't want it to happen. Anyway, after lunch, it was afternoon and I joined Sam and MC for a studying session.
You might wonder why would I want to go for an 'A' level studying session when I'm in poly. Well, what is wrong with it in the first place? Since I am free on that day, why not take the oppotunity to see how A level syllabus is like? Although I've been to the first three months, the coverage on what they are going to teach is very little. Well, nobody's going to say anything because it's the 1st 3 mths. Also, if you have read my previous post, you will realise that I have been mentioning that I am getting slow nowadays due to the lack of thinking for my brain.
So I went to study with them and tried some maths questions. Surprsingly, I managed to solve most of the questions and the questions were very interesting to work with. And it's 'A' level standard! Its really cool to be able to understand the questions, solve them, and feel a sense of accomplishment when you write the final answer down onto the piece of paper. Well, I did alot of questions on differentiation and functions. Guess 'A' level differentation is not that bad after all. I can't say for functions because I actually learnt it during the 1st 3 mths. Haha. And throughout the study session I actually learnt some facts about chemistry from Sam, on why transition metals have colour and in what situation will it become colourless. However, I'm not very good with my chemistry during secondary school, so it's kinda hard to understand actually!

Yeah. Snippits of what I've done during the fruitful study session, and my good old calculator that helped me out so much during my exams back in my school days!
Bascially, that was what happened on saturday. There was supposed to be more photo taking but unfortunately, Sam and MC's handphone died due to the lack of battery power. Both at the same time somemore. -_-
Alright, when I look at the time just now. It is already 1pm. And I HAVE NOT STARTED ON MY REPORT YET! And I need sleep. So as I promised, this is a long post right? I actually wanted to post about swimming stuff but I guess time is asking me to end this post and go do my report. There is still quite a number of things I wanted to blog. Sigh, there is school tommorrow somemore. I think I will just doze off during lectures. Lol.
So this is the end of this post. OK, almost. To MC and Sam, it's been a great day on saturday! Thanks for the functions test MC, I got 14 marks for it too. =D
Cya and have a great night guys! Sleep well. Don't follow my footsteps. =D
This post has existed since 7/23/2007 11:55:00 pm