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Saturday, August 04, 2007

LOOK HERE'S A NEW POST! A new post by me, Mr. Lee.

Was having quite a bad day today but managed to smile through most the day. NLE is getting on my nerves with that "TOY" editing project that I am supposed to complete by TODAY but I didn't, and I didn't care that much.

The DV deck was giving me lameass problems that I didn't even know what it meant. Such as having no timecode suddenly. SUDDENLY. And my computer kept hanging. I've had countless experiences of computers crashing in school therefore today I decided to heck care it once and for all and just leave my work there as it is. I just hope I won't get penalty for handing in late though, as I heard from my classmate that we can hand up late since our editing systems had problems.

NLE seriously takes up so much of my time, I didn't enjoy the fun of editing footages, just felt the fear of computers crashing and not able to complete on time.

However, it didn't really dampen my mood, I was looking forward to so many things that I want to do right now in my life, rather than sitting there feeling like a dumbo trying so hard to figure out what the hell is wrong with my edits.

Things that I look forward to currently: Maths, swimming, singing, games, music and sound, cutting my hair cause it looks like tyrannian hair, movies, teaching, and last but not least, FRIENDS. =D

Anyway, to end this post, let me side track off a little bit: PLUNGES in swimming.

How do you plunge? Well, grip your toes on to the edge of the board, relax your hands and bend your knees abit and bend your body down till your chest touches your knee. Keep your hands relaxed, DO NOT TENSE UP LIKE MR. LEE DOES. When you are ready to plunge, make yourself jump forward, with your head in and legs straight, and SPLASH! you have just made a plunge.

I can remember it, but I CAN'T APPLY IT! I suck at plunging, and the worst thing is that if I am about to plunge, and the more I think about plunging while plunging, the worse the plunge. It's something like GRIPPLING fear! Or in more conventional terms, psychological barrier. Conversely, when someone made me laugh just before I plunge, or if I feel just relaxed and just plunge, I can do better. I guess on wendesday why I seemed so not confident and the plunge was so bad because so many people are looking at me plunge. And the more I know people are looking at me, the worse it become. When I am supposed to plunge I was glued to the board! It's like my brain telling me, "Derrel! If you want to jump, make it good please, people are looking!", and my heart telling me at the same time," Derrel, just jump. Learn from it!".

Well in the end I did jump after a few moments.


Seriously, thinking about it, does psychology affect one's performance so much?

End of side tracking. People, comment about it!

This post has existed since 8/04/2007 12:19:00 am