OH MAN. I haven't been blogging for so long, I deserve ice cream to eat.
Feeling damn bloated now cause I ate a packet of bee hoon and then rice with chicken soup. With a cup of water after the meal. BLOATED. URGHHHHHH. Anyway, I am supposed to blog a few days back about National Day, but I procrastinated and only till today I had the perfect mood to blog about what happened during the week and such. So,

Two pictures say two thousand words. I need not elaborate more on how wonderful the fireworks were, including 90% of the fireworks that were blocked by A TREE. As you might have presumed, yes, the two pictures posted above were the best shots that I have recieved from Mau Cheung.
But you see, there were BETTER and MUCH NICER pictures that you should admire. Such as the ones below:

People who went: Jacky, James, Xtina, Cui Ying, Samuel, Keh Kiong, Mau Cheung, Peng Yong, Miao De and Derrel. (Sadly, Miao De went off halfway to find his gf so he's not in the pictures!)
There were so many people who went to watch the fireworks, we had to squeeze while walking from one place to another. Someone (I can't remember who) was afraid because people kept squeezing Sam, and at the rate people are squeezing him, his orange juice will run out, cause well, he wears orange! I was kinda surprised that he actually wore orange during national day, I mean, won't he be afraid he will become juiceless and become totally dried out by the end of the day? How is he going to walk if he is totally dried out? So people, don't wear orange when there is a crowd you have to be among with! (unless you want to be squeezed dry, of course)
On a different note, I am in such pain. Pain from where? You might ask. From the whole of my chest to my shoulders. My legs too. My back too. All because of gym. I ran 4.8km on the threadmill non-stop! After running, I went to do some machine work-out for my chest and shoulders. I came home, slept, the next day,
The next day when I went to sleep I couldn't even turn my body to the other side. It was so painful I had to turn so slowly, 2 degrees a second. Yeah that slow. I can't bend down and pickup stuff now because my legs won't allow me to. Argh.
But the good thing is that I managed to finish a 4.8km run. I need more of such trainings for my stamina. Especially now I'm in a swim team, I got to work very hard to improve on my stamina (not forgetting napha too). So yeah, anyone wanna go run?
And last thing before I end this post,
I'm having holidays. I have trouble deciding where to go and play while you guys have school/exams. This includes both Poly/JC, so that pretty leaves me and nelson free for now (cause we have no exams, don't punch me for that). And we are so bored at home, any suggestions???
Have a nice
school week guys! =D
This post has existed since 8/16/2007 12:04:00 am