Sorry guys maybe I was just too lazy to blog, but anyway, I have lotsa stuff to say. Realised that I haven't been blogging for the past 10 days. (Partly due to the fact that I need to go to Malaysia; I'll talk abt that later.) Well I had many activities during the past 10 days:Perry's B'dae Party
Perry's birthday is fun. The food was exceptionally nice, but too bad I didn't take any photos of the food. His mum can cook RUSSIAN FOOD. I remember a dish that has fish eggs on it with some kind of filling stuffed into the chicken egg hole. Can you visualize it? DeLICIOUS! And there was chicken curry, rice, and agar agar for dessert etc... Many many things I can't mention it all.
And then we had some games. Rather, a game. Heroes 4 was what we played. And I dunno how to play the game. Budden it seemed fun, so we begged Perry to help burn for us. And because some of us didn't bring a bag, we had to hold it in our hand. And somebody said it looks as though we are holding PORN vcds cause it's just wrapped up in paper and it looks suspicious. Whoever said that, WHATEVER. LOL
Here I present to you the wonderful birthday party:

I look like sai once again. I always do.
Musical Trip With Ms Lee
Yes we went to a musical on the day of X'mas eve itself. In the afternoon. The Magic Of Love.

Heared that around 6000 people were there. It was held at the S'pore Expo. Don't believe me? Check out the number of people in the hall:

And the picture only shows 1/3 of it. It's really LOTS.
Anyway the story is about father and daughter performing magic tricks and what happened was that the daughter wanted to be free so that she could have her own solo performance, and she got into trouble such that his father was also implicated. Nevertheless, a nice and meaningful musical.
Fairyland Gathering! (Online Game People Meeting Up)
This was lots of fun! Being able to talk crap is my speciality, and I was so glad to be able to show of my crapping skills on the day itself. Anyway, F.Y.I, fairyland (fl) is an online game and its a really cool game. Don't let the name of the game fool you. Anyone wanna play with me this game? It's p2p btw... but it's worth it, IF you come and join the game.
Samuel, KK and me met up with fl people like pumpkin, skypen, huroelf, phy, orange_jelly, phy's bf and one more...(Sry if I dunno ur names, i forgot, pardon me!) We went to sake shushi and the buffet was.... good. Haha I seldom eat such good food lor. After that we walked around and we saw a SUPER UGLY LOOKING EEYORE SOFT TOY. Or was it a pig? Forgot le. But it's super FLAT la the face. Looks dumb haha.

FL ambassadors. Click to enlarge.
So this marks the end of the 1st part of the 10 day activities. I shall continue soon. I go slp first.
This post has existed since 12/30/2005 11:32:00 pm
I'm blogging, finally!
Been quite free lately, and I'm just lazy to blog. Why am I lazy to blog? Cause I'm not (not lazy to blog). See the effect of parenthesis.
Anyway, nothing much happens because I'm always staying at home these few days, and I feel bored. And i decided not to blog too often because I sorta realised not many people are reading this blog. Aha. I do really hope more people would read this blog honestly speaking, cause there are certain issues i would only mention it in my blog, and that's because I feel more comfortable expressing myself through blogging in such cases. I know my friends are lazy to go read (the friends that I have are all super slack and lazy), but if they really want to know what is really going on regarding certain issues they should read at least more frquently, rather than being lazy to go read.
I got my new nokia 6020!
My phone was spoilt way before the school closes for 'o' lvl exams. My mom was always paying the bills for nothing. 30 bucks wasted every month! And it was suuuuppper inconvinient w/o a phone. And after MONTHS of persuasion my mom decided that I should have a phone. -_-'''
I took some pictures using my new phone. Surprisingly, the only-VGA camera was rather good.
Of course I will test the camera 1st by taking my own portrait rite? HAHAThe only really damn thing about this phone is that there is no RADIO. Why not? This phone has everything that I wanted except RADIO. Nokia is getting evil. They purposely put many functions in the phone, leaving out a few really good ones, for example, there was a nokia phone that has radio, but no camera. Or it would be camera but no radio. Or absurdly there would be a music player but the internal phone memory is only 3MB plus (you can't even place a decent mp3 into the phone because the memory is shared throughout the phone) and there is no expandable memory. And if you want all such functions integrated into a phone with some kind of expanable memory it would outragously cost around $200 - $300 plus only WITH A PHONE PLAN. And nokia does not sell older models anymore.That is why I would say nokia is getting evil.One more thing, I can't upload anymore prom nite photos. Is it because I can only upload a max. of 6 photos in a blog entry? If that's the case that would suck. And my blog heading looks off. I'm rather bad at editing graphics haha. And I need photoshop to edit better but I can't find the software. Anyone has it? Haha.Before I end my blog entry, I have something to say to anyone who cares to know and for those who are not having a job now,I'm workin tml.
Dun feel envious okie?
This post has existed since 12/19/2005 09:35:00 pm
Blog updated. Yeah.The past 5 days were torture to me. Staying at home sucks, the immersion course in Ngee Ann poly was so boring, there is nothing to do in Singapore, especially when you have no money. No handphone either, damaged, and its so hard to even call someone to go out. Library is so boring, I have no interest in reading books now, I have nothing to do in front of the computer, everything's so fcuked up.And I'm actually lazy to blog now. Haha.I don't understand why did ngee ann poly organised a immersion course when what you do all day is to attend lectures and practicals that you completely do not understand and the time is like 8 to 6! wtf.However, I do want to go to ngee ann poly to study. Hope that I could qualify for their media courses. =p
This post has existed since 12/10/2005 07:08:00 pm
K. Time to blog. As promised, I will present to you pics of what goes on during the long break!
Click to enlarge pics.

I'm not photogenic.
Yeah we had a fun time there. But too bad the prom king and queen is not from our class. Prom king and queen from our class: Weiliang and Hamideah! (Hamideah is in pic 5 btw) Of course after the prom nite we went to hang out till early morning. Didn't noe that night life in Singapre would be so dull. But surprisingly there were quite alot of pple still around the city hall area. And they look bored. Too bad I have no pics to show what a WONDERFUL nightlife Singapore has. *Blogger got problem. I can't upload more pics. I will salvage it soon. Patient!
This post has existed since 12/04/2005 04:26:00 pm
Current mood: Desperate.
-Fail to entertain myself.
-Fail to keep cool when if there is nothing to do. (I almost blew up)
Anyway, to keep myself pre-occupied, I think I shall go out even more often.
I will post photos for the prom nite and some outings too.
And also, I'm trying to revamp my whole blog to keep myself busy. Haha.
So.... yeah. Back to playing some boring and meaningless games/slacking/eating/watching rubbish shows like Tong Xin Yuan.
This post has existed since 12/02/2005 05:01:00 pm