WARNING: READ AND FOLLOW THIS POST IN SEQUENCE. DO NOT SKIP PARAGRAPHS OR DO SELECTIVE READING. FAILURE TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE JUST TOO BAD FOR YOU. I REALLY MEAN IT, I REALLY DO!I bet nobody reads my blog anymore. Alright, maybe except for one or two poor souls who wish to torment themselves by looking at this blog powered by HuaNet. No, seriously I mean it.
Anyway, I'm currently in the office now, drinking some hot coffee, serving my FYP term. In case you don't know what FYP means, it means "From your pocket". Hah. Just kidding, I know it's not funny at all. It's random. Too random for you to digest anyway. FYI, I didn't find that funny either.
So here I am in Year 3, sitting on my chair, which is above the floor, in between the table and the space below it, typing. Typing on what you may ask? Typing on my computer. What kind of computer? A laptop. What kind of laptop? An iBook G4. Oh how wonderful it is, using an iBook to type while sitting on a chair which is above a floor, in between the table and the space below it.
At this point in time, I'm sure your response to this silent reading of this particular post will be like, whatever.
Yeah. Whatever is the word. Whatever the time, whatever the place, whatever the occasion, I don't really mind. Simply because at this point in time, at this particular place, at this specific occasion, you are experiencing silent reading on my blog. Read on to find out more:
1) When you silent read, your eyes receive the information and these information signals travel via your nerves to the brain itself.
2) The brain will then process these information signals; stimulant chemicals in the brain will aid to increase the speed of process.
3) If you are a guy, the processed information signals will be released from the brain via both the ears, if you are a lady, the processed information signals will be stuck in the brain, unable to release and it accumulates in the brain to the point whereby the lady will experience PMS to destroy the stuck signals.
4) The end.
Do you people feel that that has actually educated you in certain ways? In 4 ways, to be exact. You have been educated that the eyes and the brain are linked together, the brain is workable, and guys and ladies react differently to silent reading. Last but never the least, you now know that that's the end of the education about silent reading.
Education is important in our lives, as it educates us. Without education, we will not be educated, and when we are not being educated, when we grow old, we will be educatedless. This is not a problem that is faced in the world at all for the past two thousand and eight years and hence I'm not going to talk about it.
Well that's basically the end of the post, which basically means the end of silent reading. You can defy this post by reading the whole post aloud, but by doing so it simply means you didn't take the warning that I issued. Alright. Bye.
This post has existed since 4/25/2008 12:01:00 pm